Organization Tip of the Week #15

Use a Basket In Your Car to Help You Stay Organized

Do you have any baskets lying around your home that are not being used? If you do, give them a new life and use one in your car.

Place a medium-sized basket by the door you use to leave the house every day. Anything that needs to go out the door with you gets placed into the basket. When you leave the house take the basket with you and put it in the car.
As you run your errands, anything you receive goes into the basket, such as receipts or dry cleaner slips.

When you get home, anything else in the car (cups, wrappers, etc.) go into the basket and you take the basket back into the house with you. Unpack the basket put all the items into their proper place.

When the basket is empty it is placed near the door and the process begins all over again.


C Killingsworth said...

I love this tip.. I haven't found the "basket" that is the right size/shape for my car, but I am keeping an eye out while we're thriftin'!

Thanks again for helping me get my house back!


Sunflower Ranch said...

Hi! Baskets are good, stylish, and sturdy, especially for the smaller and heavier items. I use the foldable, reusable, cloth grocery bags. When I come home I take in the full bags [library stuff, groceries, errands, paperwork, whatever] put everything away and put the empty bag or bags by the door. Next time we go out, I grab the empties and start over again! [I also use the grocery bags for transporting CLEAN recyclables to the recycle cart in the back yard.] It works for me! :D

silly eagle books said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog--I love this basket idea--my car gets trashed so easily. Using a basket to tote things to and from is such a great idea. I think I'll try it.

Michele said...

Thanks for the tip! I have just the basket in mind!! Does anyone else find with 3 small children that you need a supersized trash can in the car?!

Cody said...

Great idea. Little tips like this can really make your life easier and more organized.

Kalei said...

Thanks for this tip, it's perfect! Just gotta find the right sized basket..harder than i expected...

Unknown said...

Really helpful post. I have try many techniques to get organized, but the Basket idea is the best trick I have ever found. Thanx for the post.